Choose the collar of the shirt

What and how many are the types of collar?

From the Korean collar to the Spread collar, from the classic Italian to the button-down, choose your favorite

Choosing the collar for your shirt is – after the fabric – the fundamental step in giving the shirt personality and outlining its intended use.

An Italian collar for every occasion, a French collar, or a button-down collar for a more informal moment? Choose from our wide variety of collar designs and show off your unique, flawless style.

Brocchieri produces only high quality collars, lined inside with Wendler double cloth. Our collars have the right stiffness and are sewn to last over time, without giving up the right softness in contact with the skin.

Furthermore, all our collars that require the use of internal stays have stays that are always removable and included.

Note: to access the configuration of your shirt, we remind you that it is sufficient to enter the single fabric tab, inside our shop online.

ITALIAN collar

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Collo Italiano Piccolo - IT01
Collo Italiano Piccolo - IT02
Collo Italiano Medio - IT03
Collo Italiano Medio Pin collar - IT04
Collo Italiano Alto - IT07
Collo Italiano Alto - IT06
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The Collo Italiano can be recognized by the downward facing sails. It is very versatile, fits well on all types of figure, and is suitable for any occasion, both formal and informal. Equipped with removable stays, it is ideal for those who love to wear a tie!


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Collo Mezzo Francese Medio - MF10
Collo Mezzo Francese Medio - MF11
Collo Mezzo Francese Medio - MF12
Collo Mezzo Francese Alto - MF14
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In the Half-French collars the sails are halfway between downwards (Italian collars) and outwards (French collars). It is a collar that gives a formal style to the men’s shirt. It is perfect when combined with double breasted.

FRENCH collar

Collo Francese - FR16

In the French collars the sails face outwards. It is a decidedly young and trendy model. It fits well on those with an elongated visage and a slender build. It is very elegant if accompanied by a tie with a medium-sized knot.


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Collo Coreano Piccolo - CR29
Collo Coreano Medio - CR30
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In the Korean Collar there are no side sails. It can be buttoned up (dressier) or kept open (sportier).


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Collo Button Down Medio - BD19
Collo Button Down Medio - BD21
Collo Button Down Alto - BD24
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In Botton-Down Collars the sails are fastened with small buttons (visible or hidden). It has a slightly formal character. It fits well on those with a square or elongated face. To be worn open or with tight ties.


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Collo Diplomatico Wing cinturino nascosto - DP27
Collo Diplomatico Wing cinturino a vista - DP28
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The Diplomatic Collars (or Wing) are rigid collars, for ceremonies and gala evenings where the tuxedo is a must. To be worn with a bow tie or ascot. Available in two models: with visible strap, or with hidden strap.

CLUB collar (or ROUND)

Collo Club Collar - AC25

In the Colli Club Collars, the sails are rounded and rounded. Fashionable in trendy circles, it is often used as a white-collar on blue or black striped shirts.


Collo Mandarin - MC31

The Mandarin Collar is the buttonless and stiffer variant of the Korean Collar. On quality Twill it is also suitable for more formal contexts. Combined with the hidden button roll, it is the pinnacle of modern elegance. Recommended for slim physiques.

The next step towards your personalized tailored shirt?

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