MEASUREMENT with APP and smartphone

Use your smartphone to allow us to take your measurements: 5 minutes and 2 shots are enough

Yes, today it is possible to detect the measurements using an app, that will perform a scan, using the lens of your smartphone to obtain a “ avatar ” (digital representation) of your person. With special 3D software we can then measure the avatar at any point, with excellent precision, and make the shirt with the right fit, … all without you having to move from your home or office.

Once the purchase is completed, you will also receive the link so that, you can then “scan” when you are most comfortable. You can use it as an alternative or in combination with another measurement system , to live your “online tailoring purchase” more serenely. On our side, the scans allow us to truly grasp the physicality of the customer, much better than the classic few or many measurements taken on the body or on a shirt, so having scans is also essential to be able to request a Bespoke shirt (sartorial in the true sense of the word).

By clicking on the link received, you will start the scanning process, and it will be possible to do it in 2 ways:

…with the help of another person

Behind all this there is a very sophisticated algorithm based on 3 basic parameters that must be indicated exactly:

…if you are alone with the help of the Voice Assistant
  • gender (male / female)
  • your weight (specifying if in Kg. or Lb)
  • how tall are you (specifying if in cm. or inches)
…indicates gender
…indicate your weight
…indicates your height

However, it is important to note that the human body is not a static object. We breathe, we eat and so during the day our body changes shape and size. For example, at the end of the day we are shorter than 3 cm. Chest measurements may differ by 1.6-2 inches (4-5cm) as we breathe. The same goes for waist measurements. So when we measure ourselves with a tape measure, 3D scanner or scanning technology, we actually measure a certain state of the body. That said, all discrepancies in this technology fall within the range of normal body changes.

…what the Avatar (polygon mesh) looks like

After choosing whether “alone” or “helped by another person” the App will guide us in making the two photographic scans necessary for the creation of the Avatar:

The “photo scan” consists of two phases:

  • a frontal, to perceive breadth
  • and one to the side, to perceive the depth

Note: It is preferable to wear a sufficiently tight skin t-shirt and trousers without belt and without anything in the pockets (they would make thickness, distorting the measurement of the hips)

  • No hats / scarves
  • No watches / bracelets and necklaces
  • No shoes


After the two “clicks”, the App will start processing the data and you will see a red line go up and down the display, after which the App will signal that it has acquired the “form” and that the process has finished successfully.

We are now already able to make your new SARTORIAL shirt!